“L’immobilière des Patriarches” is a simplified joint-stock company created on January 13th 2016 by its founder Mr. Faton VITIJA, who wished to offer new offer for lessors, whether they are individuals or institutional.

“L’immobilière des Patriarches” is located in the 5th arrondissement, at the heart of Paris, which provides both an ability for fast interventions and a wide range of action.

The activities “L’immobilière des Patriarches” include rental management and its related actives, rental and transaction.

“L’immobilière des Patriarches” acts for its mandators in order to manage their real estate, which may vary greatly. Their scope includes diffused house goods, full appartement blocks, commercial premises, offices and activity premises.

Mr. VITJIA is the holder of a Master I : Administration Economique et Sociale as well as a Master II : Management des services Immobiliers which allowed him to practice goods administration for over ten years in a familial real estate agency.

The success of this experience allowed him to apprehend all the different aspects of real estate management.

However, he stayed unsatisfied with the organisation of real estate agencies.

The usual fragmented organisation of real estate management agencies doesn’t allow to give a personalised service to the lessor and therefore to optimise the revenue of the rental investment.

Armed with this idea, “L’Immobilière des Patriarches” provides the lessor with a concrete answer to their demands, a complete care for their needs, the certainty to receive their rent, extranet access 24/7 anywhere, a unique and available representative.

Our Team

A dynamic and close to you team !

Turn our experience into your serenity!